Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tip of the Day #78: DIY Carpet Cleaner

If you are looking for a 'natural' carpet cleaner to remove dirt from your ENTIRE carpet through a machine--all you need is equal parts WHITE VINEGAR & WATER!
But if you are only looking to spot clean, mix white vinegar and baking soda together to form a paste. Then, work the paste into the carpet stain with an old toothbrush, or something similar. Allow the paste to dry; then vacuum up the baking soda, and the stain should be gone--if not, you can apply hydrogen peroxide to the affected areas.


  1. oh thank you for this tip! the carpet in my son's play room really needs some cleaning after all our art and diy projects

  2. I agree with your tip! I’ve been using the vinegar and water mixture to clean my carpet and it never fails to do cleaning wonders for me. Aside from this, I also learned that baking soda mixed with lemon or orange is also an effective stain remover. Always choose to use natural cleaning products to protect the quality of your carpet.

    -Leigh Eagle

  3. Fabulous post...really amazing will increasing my knowledge regarding carpet cleaner , thanks for sharing..!!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for your DIY carpet cleaning tip! Vinegar has this stain removing quality that makes it a good cleaning product. For best results, it is best to clean the stain as soon as possible and not let it dry for days before acting on it.

    -Jackelyn Lippard @ Cristomar

  6. You just given excellent tips about Diy Carpet Cleaner. I've learned lot from this post. I hope next time I will do it myself by following your instruction. Thanks a lot...I've also found some useful information as well as effective service from Fort Lauderdale Upholstery Cleaning.

  7. White vinegar and water has always been an underrated do it yourself carpet cleaning method. However having your rugs cleaned by professionals such as Portland carpet cleaning is the best way to restore and maintain your carpets.

  8. Well it is really very difficult to find the best and reliable Carpet Cleaning products. thanks for sharing it.

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