
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hi everyone!

I know I have not updated my blog since March 2012, I have just been very busy with other Mum 'n the Oven plans, advertising partnerships and the Bundle Program. I assure you this blog, along with my website, is back in action and I promise to keep it up-to-date from now on!
If you are new to the Mum 'n the Oven community, please feel free to browse past posts, including past 'Tips of the Day' where you can catch up on many household tips in one place! Although I do have the blog, A Mum 'n the Oven publishes MANY tips throughout the day on our Facebook page: and our Twitter account: @amumntheoven --make sure to follow us!

Thank you all for your patience and understanding! Always feel free to post comments or any questions you may have!

1 comment:

  1. Since I didn't find you until July, I didnt even realize you weren't posting... I have a lot of tips to catch up on. I'm glad I found your fb page and I'm sorry people made you feel bad about posting tips to simplify our lives... I can imagine there would be cleaning supply companies, bug killer companies, tooth paste companies, and ect that wouldn't be crazy about someone publishing these kinds of tips because it might cut into their profits, but for regular people to complain about your fb, that was just stupid... Besides, most people might use one or two of your tips, but the majority of people, well, at least, Americans are too lazy to do these things, so even the companies shouldn't have much to gripe about. Thank you for all the tips :)
