
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tip of the Day #266: Newspaper while Gardening

Lay newspaper down in in your flower beds!
Newspaper will prevent any grass and weed seeds from germinating, but unlike fabric, it will decompose after about 18 months. By that time, any grass and weed seeds that were present in the soil on planting will be dead. It’s green, it’s cheaper than fabric, and when you decide to remove or redesign the bed later on, you will not have the headache you would with fabric!


  1. Considering the various chemicals used in the printing and recycling processes (chromium, cadmium, various disinfectants, bleaches, etc) its really not that "green", It sounds like a really great idea.. how good would depend on how much chemical contamination of the soil around one's home, one is willing to accept. Probably not the best thing to use for vegetable gardens.

  2. This really works, thanks for posting
