Wednesday, January 25, 2012


      Hello to all my busy moms, working moms, housewives and frugal women! Whichever category you relate with, I personally welcome you!

     On my website, I encourage you to browse, learn and contribute as much as you can, while I do my part in creating a close community for us all to enjoy and confide in one another. Every aspect of this website has been carefully created with careful effort in order to convey a touch of love in every page! I truly am thrilled to offer a helping hand to each and every one of you who either 'pop by' every so often or stay for awhile!

     I hope you find knowledge, comfort and friendship within this site as you take on life's opportunities as they come at you one day at a time. Our motto here is "Never Say Never" because each one of you is capable of creation and success!

     As you begin to look through A Mum 'n the Oven's website, you will see a variety of options to help you and assist others right at your fingertips. I encourage you to contribute your thoughts within the forum or through e-mail in order to reap all the wonderful benefits and for you to keep in touch with all current events and contests happening.  Sharing ideas gives you chances to enter exclusive contests, so WHY NOT? To find out how to get fully involved, please take the time to click on all tabs and links located on the site. Again, this will allow you to take full advantage of all that is in-store!

        I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you, and hopefully you will come to learn a lot about myself as well!