Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Effective Meal Planning

My years of Motherhood thus far have beenfilled with many ‘trial & error’ periods, in attempts to figure out the most efficient and cost-effective ways of grocery shopping. Now, I believe I have nailed the method that works best for my family, and hopefully, yours too. In total, our grocery bills rarely exceed a total of $200.00 per month!

1.       I have stated this before, and I will do so again: Plan all meals and shop in TWO-week intervals. Some people have suggested planning one MONTH in advance, but this does not seem all that effective because for example, how can you purchase fresh vegetables a month in advance without having them spoil? Two weeks is do-able and is a lot less time-consuming and painful.

2.       What I have done is created andorganized a meal plan on my computer that I can edit and work from when planning my next grocery trip. Again, aftermuch playing around, I have settled on a method that works extremely well—Icall it the “Themed Planner.” Essentially, what it consists of is a“theme-night” for every day of the week. For example, ‘’Slow Cooker Sundays,Mexican Mondays, Pasta Tuesdays” and so on. This planning method makes brainstorming meal ideas so simple. Over time, I suggest researching recipes,bookmarking and even categorizing them because when you may be stuck on planning a meal one evening, you can go to your list and choose one quickly from your findings.

3.       Once you complete your first two-week interval, sit down with your receipt and plan your ongoing budget. If your first two weeks were successful in terms of amountof food versus cost, then you are on the right track. If however, you feel thatyour spending outweighed your stock, you must think of a better solution. This may be done through cutting back on “fun foods” that we all enjoy, brand nameproducts (no name items are normally just as good), and premade foods orsauces—start making your own from scratch! Not only does this cut costs, but it also is healthier for you with no added sugars or salts. Lastly, I cannot stress this step enough—check your weekly flyers! I know some people may find it time-consuming, and I admit, I used to feel the same, but after changing and MAKING it a part of my routine, it has become second-nature. The day the flyers arrive, I sit down that evening and begin browsing through them. I bring out my stack of coupons and begin to price-match to get the best deals in town.

These are three very simple steps that will lead you in the right direction to saving money time and time again; and what is more rewarding than more money in your pocket???

**Please take advantage of our family meal plan template posted if you would like to (it will also be posted shortly on A Mum ‘n the Oven’swebsite in printing format). Note that in this plan, certain nights change the alternating week to add variety and can be effective if you have children. Playaround with it and have fun!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tip of the Day #124: Repairing Scratched Wood


For watermarks - Many of you may have heard how a blow dryer or smearing mayonnaise may work to remove these spots, however, I find the following recipe to be the most effective! Give it a try!

Mix a thick paste of olive oil and salt and rub onto the wood - leave it for about 30 minutes. The salt draws out the moisture and the oil feeds the wood. Used this many, many times!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tip of the Day # 123: Effective Bathroom Cleaning

Heating up the bathroom 10 degrees above the normal air temperature "doubles the effectiveness" of cleansers--run your shower with the hottest water possible (uses less water than running the tap). It's a trick hotel staffers use. Let disinfectants sit for at least 5-7 minutes, and always rinse off cleaners to prevent build-up.

Tip of the Day # 122: Keeping Pop 'Fizzy'

Once you're done with your soda for the day, shake it up before putting it back in the fridge. It'll stay fizzy for weeks.
Also, never lay pop on its side in the refridgerator as this leads to it becoming flat drastically quicker!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tip of the Day # 121: Stainless Steel Cleaning


1 Tablespoon of Cream of Tartar with a couple drops of water. Rub and scrub. Then rinse.




Clear plastic or glass ornaments (available at the dollar store)
Glitter (optional)

1. Cut old or scratched cds into small pieces of different sizes & shapes
2. Adhere to your clear ornaments--glue pieces as close or wide together as you would like--continue to entire surface of bulb is covered
3. Remove top of bulb and pour in glitter of your choice

These ornaments really do look beautiful hung from your Christmas!

Tip of the Day # 120: Cleaning Dryers

Trapped lint in dryers is one of the leading causes of house fires! To prevent this from happening, it is very important to clean in and around your lint trap regularly--and the best way to do so to get in any tiny crevices is to use a small tool or pair of chopsticks to pick out all pieces that may be trapped.