Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tip of the Day # 141: DIY Seedling Trays

If you love to garden, you will definitely appreciate this post!

Follow the easy step-by-step guide below to make your own seedling trays!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Tip of the Day # 140: Natural & Gluten-free Pancakes

That's right, Gluten-free, flourless & low calorie!


1 ripe banana
2 whole eggs

That's it! Mix in bowl, ensuring that banana is fully mashed. Spray your pan and pour a small amount in pan and flip after about 30 seconds. Serve & Enjoy!

hat’s it. Just mix in a bowl and make sure the banana is all mashed. Then spray your pan with some PAM, EVO), or coconut oil on low to medium heat, scoop some of the batter on there, give it about 20-30 sec, flip, and done! Serve and eat! - See more at:
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 whole eggs
Bam!!! That’s it. Just mix in a bowl and make sure the banana is all mashed. Then spray your pan with some PAM, EVO), or coconut oil on low to medium heat, scoop some of the batter on there, give it about 20-30 sec, flip, and done! Serve and eat!
- See more at:
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 whole eggs
Bam!!! That’s it. Just mix in a bowl and make sure the banana is all mashed. Then spray your pan with some PAM, EVO), or coconut oil on low to medium heat, scoop some of the batter on there, give it about 20-30 sec, flip, and done! Serve and eat!
- See more at:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tip of the Day # 139: Fixing your Eye Glasses


Custom fit your plastic frame glasses--simply heat up the ends and mold them to fit our head.
When you purchase a new pair of frames or need them adjusted, the specialist heats up the ends before forming  to your face anyway, so this is a great DIY trick!

Prevent Wasting Food

The amount of food we used to waste was embarrassing to say the least. That is, until I implemented a system that would stop the madness!
When arriving home after the grocery store, as I was placing items in the refridgerator, I would take a Sharpie marker and write the expiry dates on the lids of the products (you can also do this once an item is opened for the first time--ex: spaghetti sauce, etc). This gave a clear picture of what needs to be eaten and when, while meal planning.
To make the idea even more efficient, I have a basket in my fridge with items that are coming close to their expiration as 'food that must be eaten FIRST!' This can be snacks like yogurt to veggies to full meal ideas.
Try the system out for yourself and see how much food you can save! :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to Keep Trash at a Minimum

Limit the Amount of Trash Leaving your Home

Keep in the habit especially during birthday parties, dinner gatherings, or family camping trips!

  • Eliminate all but essential single-use items. Instead use real dishes, napkins, reusable containers and water bottles.
  • Buy food in bulk, making sure to select options that contain more food than packaging. Ex: One jug with a gallon of juice is way better than juice boxes that have 6 ounces of juice in each box OR buy a Family Pack of meat products, instead of a few pieces per package.
  • Before buying durable goods new, consider whether you can find it pre-owned. Shop second hand stores, search Craigslist and Kijiji, etc, or ask friends and neighbours for the item first.
  • Consider donations or swaps for items you might otherwise throw away. That old toaster, laptop or bin of kids’ clothes can have a second life with another family or host a Garage Sale!
  • Look for quality products that will last longer than cheaply made alternatives--you WILL save money in the long run.
  • Cook at home from fresh ingredients, cutting down on pre-packaged meals and take-out food in packed containers and bags---however, if you do order in every once in awhile, use the take out containers to store foods for lunches at work.
  • Bring reusable bags to every store, they’re not just for the supermarket anymore! Some stores will even give you a bag discount.
  • Set up an easy-to-use sorting system for recycling, compost and garbage, and keep it in place during parties and gatherings.
  • Skip the junk mail. Let unwanted magazine subscriptions run out, and opt out of catalogs and other junk mail so you don’t have to throw it away. Let's face it, once you read a magazine, it generally will just sit, collecting dust somewhere for quite awhile!

Tip of the Day # 138: Easy Cleaning Wipes


For a quick wipe down of the bathroom counter, I use a box of baby wipes (any brand) and add some rubbing alcohol to the box. I store the box in the bathroom (under the sink) and when the area needs a quick wipe down, pull a baby wipe and wipe everything down--I generally do this on a daily basis!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tip of the Day # 137: Cleaning Makeup Brushes

How to Properly Remove Makeup from your Brushes
--1 tablespoon of white vinegar in a cup of hot water
--Soak for 20 minutes
--Follow by rinsing with very hot water, then cold
--Pat dry

Disinfects, dissolves grease/makeup, leaves no film, and VERY inexpensive!