Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tip of the Day # 157: Yarn Organization

Do you have bits of yarn lying around that you refuse to get rid of? To keep them organized and free of knots, wrap around a clothes peg and close off with the end! I love this trick!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tip of the Day # 156: Decluttering a Bathroom

I really dislike a cluttered bathroom, especially in drawers and on the counter. So I had to find a solution as to where I was going to put all these items!
I was actually able to find a hanging organizer at Walmart that I hang in a closet! Included are many of my beauty supplies like nail polish, clippers, nail files, bobby pins, wipes--you can really include anything that will fit!
Now, I never have to worry about searching around for that certain nail polish! ;)

Tip of the Day # 155: Organizing Junk Drawers

Organizing your Junk Drawer

Everyone has one...or two of these types of drawers, full of old batteries, cords, pens, loose papers, etc. I dread opening this drawer in our home because it makes me cringe every time attempting to find that one small item I need!
Although it may take you a little while to go through it the initial time, it is definitely worth organizing for the future!
First, remove EVERY item from the drawer and wipe down the inside thoroughly. Next, grab about 3-4 small plastic containers (or re-use margarine,yogurt, or any others lying around). Begin categorizing all items; batteries in one container, loose change in another (a plastic water bottle is a nice alternative because it has a tight lid). Label all manuals and place in a pile flat on the bottom of the drawer. Test out all pens and throw away any defectives ones. Label all cords (bread tabs are great for this) and place them all together--if you have a strap of any kind, it is great to tie it around your group of cords.
Once your improved drawer is complete, take a sigh of relief and maintain its organization to make life just a little more simple! :)

Tip of the Day # 154: Get a handle on Kids Toys

Organize your children's smaller toys or dolls in a shoe organizer on the back of a door. Teach them to go there for the items, and always return them to the pockets as well!
This is great for little boys Hot Wheel cars too!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tip of the Day # 153: Hair Spray removal from walls

How to Remove Hairspray from Walls & Mirrors

1. Pour rubbing alcohol into a small bowl. Dip either a cotton ball (most effective) or small soft cloth into the alcohol and wring excess out.

2. Wipe down wall/mirror with solution.

3. Once complete, finish the job by wiping the wall down again with a hot, soapy cloth.


Tip of the Day # 152: Keeping the bugs out of sandboxes

 Sprinkle cinnamon into you child's sandbox--it helps in keeping the bugs away!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tip of the Day # 151: Cleaning Fans

The Best Way to Clean your Fan

I am one of those people that NEEDS to have a fan on at all times when sleeping for the sound! Unfortunately, what comes with that is having to clean it more often than I really want to. Not only is it unsanitary, but I dread looking at the fan getting out of bed every morning!
I've tried various methods to figure out the easiest and fastest way to clean my fan--and the most effective has to be using a DRYER SHEET! I just run it across all grates at once, then slide along each one to catch the remaining particles. If the blades are bad too, open up your fan and wipe clean with a dryer sheet as well.