Monday, February 25, 2013

Tip of the Day #235: How to Clean Faucets Effectively

Soak a rag or cloth in white vinegar, then spread overtop of your faucet (including taps). Leave for 1-2 hours then wipe away all debris. If some dirt still remains in crevices, take an old toothbrush and scrub away!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

DIY i-SPY Game

I guarantee this will occupy your kiddos for hours!

I have two very active children, so I am constantly looking for ways to occupy them. While brainstorming one night recently, I thought of this cute little game to make! It's easy, quick and doesn't require many materials.

So what's the object of the game? You create a game card with a list of the objects included in the bottle. Your kids have to shake the tube around to search for the items that you have hidden within the rice and tick them off!

When making, 'layer' the rice--in other words, you must pour the rice in, add a little trinket or two, then add more rice and so on. This is so all objects do not float along the top. Also, leave about 1 inch at the top of the bottle to ensure the rice is easy to shake around.

Some items you can include are:

-bottle caps
-bouncy balls
-barbie shoes
-fake flower petals
-pen lids
-little balls of foil
-small erasers
-dinky cars
-paper clips

Or anything small around your home!

WARNING: Always remember to seal the lid tightly on the bottle to ensure no small children can ingest any objects.

Tip of the Day #234: Organizing Office Supplies

We all know how office supplies from paper clips to elastic bands can really get out of hand and cause major clutter. I suggest using an ice cube tray or two to place the different items in each spot--then place in a cupboard or deak drawer. Remember to always return the objects to their designated area when necessary.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tip of the Day #233: Dealing with Odors in Garbage Bins

Odor producing mold and bacteria in garbage cans can be dealt with by sprinkling 1/2 cup Borax in the bottom of the garbage can.

Tip of the Day #232: Best way to Disinfect Sponges & Cloths

 To disinfect smelly sponges, wash sponge thoroughly, then microwave it while it is wet, for a short period. When you see steam from the sponge, the bacteria in the sponge will be dead. Remove carefully, it will be hot! Wash the sponge thoroughly before use.

**Make sure the sponge has no metal components!**

Tip of the Day #231: Dealing with a Stye in your Eye

If you have a stye in your eye, boil some water, soak a regular tea bag in the water for about 2 minutes, don't put sugar or milk in the tea! ;) Take the tea bag out as hot as you can stand it and place it over the offending eye until it cools. Repeat this a few times a day.

Tip of the Day #230: Diminish the Looks of Scars

I was burned in a house fire awhile back and I can tell you this method truly works!

Gently massaging a scar after the area is well healed but within the first six months of the injury can help minimize scarring. By massaging you are helping to stretch out and soften the scar be helping break down the tough collagen fibers that are forming as part of the scar maturation.