When my house develops a musty scent, I fill bowls with white vinegar and place them in all the affected rooms for a few hours. This works especially well to rid cigarette smoke or after cooking foods like fish. You can also use the same method to deodorize the refrigerator.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Through Mama's Eyes
By: Shelley Prince
Tip of the Day #257: Dealing with Stained Items
How many times have you washed a shirt only to discover a stain on it after the fact? That phenomenon is the reason my mom required everyone in the house to tie a knot in their stained garments before they put them in the hamper. That way, when you sort the laundry, you instantly know when something needs extra attention. I implemented this rule within my home and it saves me headaches, time, and money!
For those pesky stains, here is a guide of what to use: http://amumntheoven.blogspot.ca/2013/01/tip-of-day-163.html?m=0
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Tip of the Day #256: Handling Sparklers
Stick a sparkler in Play-Doh, then light it up. The container protects hands from flying sparks, preventing burns!
Tip of the Day #255: Kitchen Time-Saver
Minimize Trips to the Garbage Can:
While preparing a meal, keep a big bowl on the counter. Put all your chopping, cutting, and peeling discards into it, then make one trip to the garbage instead of 10!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tip of the Day #254: Preventing Blisters
When you have a blister it can be a pain in the, well, foot, for sure, but there's an easy way to prevent friction blisters without buying special socks or shoes, or whatever else you may have tried in the past. Studies have found that applying antiperspirant to your feet reduces your odds of developing foot blisters.
Here's why: Friction causes blisters, and when your skin is sweaty or moist, you increase that friction and the odds of developing blisters. Antiperspirant fixes this problem because it's made to reduce sweat -- in this case you're just using it on feet instead of underarms. To prevent a white mess, use a clear stick or a spray.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Tip of the Day #253: Shower Tiles
I personally cannot stand the look of water spots and drips on my shower tiles--but that could just be my OCD peeking ;)
If you are like me, here's what to do:
To keep shower tiles cleaner for longer, wax them with car polish after giving them a good clean. This will help stop the grime from sticking to them and the water will just bead off!