Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Best Ways to Use Deodorant (that don't involve our armpits!)

As many as you already know, I adore finding ways to use other household products and this one is definitely a favourite of mine!

1. Just bought a brand new pair of fancy shoes? Prevent friction and those horrible blisters by swiping deodorant on the areas that sores normally form. The deodorant acts as a barrier between your shoes and skin.

2. If you have that horrible itching from pesky bug bites, rub deodorant on the areas a few times a day until it vanishes.

3. For women that are well endowed, they know the experience of having sweat under their bra line. To prevent chafing and bacteria build up, rub a thin coating of deodorant on before getting dressed each day.

4. It is said because of it's drying agent, anti perspirant will dry out pimples, fever blisters and cold sores. Obviously just ensure you are using a different stick to stop the spread of bacteria.

5. An unusual but very useful tip is to apply deodorant on a squeaky door hinge to stop the noise.

6. For women, after shaving your bikini line, apply deodorant to these areas to prevent razor bumps. A great tip to remember this summer!

7. For men, when shaving your face, if you happen to nick yourself in the process, rubbing deodorant on these spots will stop the bleeding quickly.

Useful Tips for Vaseline

1. Make your perfume  last longer by applying Vaseline to your pulse points before spritzing on your favourite fragrance.

2. Shine your leather shoes and bags by wiping Vaseline over the leather. You only need a small amount since it goes a long way!

3. Apply around the edges of your nails before painting with nail polish. This allows you to easily wipe away the excess mess rather than it being on your skin.

4. Furthermore, prevent stuck on nail polish caps by rubbing some Vaseline on the neck of the polish bottle before storing away again.

5. Remove stains from linen napkins by putting a little Vaseline on the stain before you wash it.

6. If you use a self tanning lotion or spray, prevent uneven tanning marks by adding a small dab of Vaseline to any dry skin spots before applying.

7. Create your own lipgloss by applying Vaseline after putting on your regular lipstick. Plus it helps keep those puckers soft!

8. If you have sensitive ears, dipping your earring posts in Vaseline will prevent your lobes from any irritation.

9. When your baby is teething, applying a small amount to their chin will help from rashes and irritation when that extra drooling sets in.

10. Ensure soft feel all the time by rubbing Vaseline on your feet before bed and wearing socks to avoid a mess.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Over the past year, I've really grown to have an obsession with apple cider vinegar and swear by it for various reasons. WHY do I love it so much you might ask? Well let me fill you in on a few of the benefits of this miracle liquid!

1. Cures toe nail fungus - Soak feet daily
2. Acts as a natural facial toner AND dries out present pimples - Spray on at bedtime and let work overnight
3. Rids warts - Apply morning & night with a band aid overtop until cleared
4. Wards of flu and helps with sore throat - Shot glass full mixed with spoonful of honey
5. Relieves heart burn & chronic reflux
6. Soothes itchy bug bites & sunburn - Apply right to affected area
7. Natural appetite suppressant - Aids in weight loss
8. Dissolves kidney stones - and if you've ever had them, you know just how painful they are!
9. Vanishes bacterial infections from the inside - out
10. Cures nausea quickly
11. Reduces Arthritis
12. Proven to kill and/or slow down the process of Cancer cells
13. Relieves migraines
14. Regulates Glucose levels - Attention Diabetics!
15. Lowers blood pressure
16. Natural mouth wash - Do not ingest afterwards

So what is better than an all-natural supplement you can purchase for a couple dollars at the grocery store?! I know quite a few adults who have taken a shot of ACV each morning and are healthier than most - myself included! Try it for yourself and make sure to share the information with friends and family.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Alternative Uses for Cat Litter

Cat litter has so many more uses than just keeping your kitty’s litter box odors under control. Here are several more uses you may have never heard of:

1. Use cat litter in the bottom of your trash cans, especially outdoor ones to keep odor and moisture at bay. Just change it out about once a month.

2.Cat litter can be a saver for you in the winter if you keep some in your car trunk. It can help your tires grip if sprinkled near them when you are stuck in the snow.

3. If you have smelling ashtrays around, sprinkle some cat litter in them to help rid yourself of ash odor.

4. If your refrigerator has a terrible odor and you are at your Witt’s end, try emptying your fridge and placing a cookie sheet with Maxx Scoop cat litter in it. Wait a couple days and the odors should be gone.

5. If you have spills in your driveway or garage that are oil based (motor oil, paint etc.), cat litter can help soak up the mess. Just sprinkle some on and wait for it to work its magic, and then sweep it up.

6. Stinky work boots got you down? Fill old socks with litter and place them in your shoes overnight.

7. If you have plants that are moisture-sensitive, adding a small amount of cat litter to the potting soil that you plant them in can help keep the right amount of moisture in.

8. Do you have mole or prairie dog issues in your fields? Wet some cat litter and fill in the holes. Most animals that dig homes hate it and will evacuate.

9. Dried flowers are so beautiful, but can be a pain to dry out beautifully. Try place a small layer of cat litter in an airtight container and then placing your flowers on top of it. Seal it and wait a week.

10. Antique items are fun to own, but often come with a musty or moldy smell. To get rid of this odor, place a small amount of litter in a zipper style bag and place the items in it. (This works great for books!). The smell should be gone after about a week.

11. Instead of buying expensive fake flower steadying items like foam, arrange them in some litter in a pot. It will allow you to set an arrangement up beautifully, and allow you to change it out easier as well for cleaning or making a whole new arrangement.

12. BBQing is fun, but waiting for the fires and coals to go out can be annoying. Instead, use some cat litter. It is also good to use when starting up your bonfires by placing as a base to start your campfire on.

13. Aquariums are a pain to maintain, especially if you keep getting algae. A tablespoon per 10 gallons will help clear up the problem.


Friday, January 3, 2014

Tip of the Day: Cleaning your Stove Hood

As we cook everyday, buildup is bound to occur; especially in places that you may not take notice of. One of my biggest pet peeves is the grime that accumulates on top of our stove hood! Because for many of us, our hoods stand taller than us, we tend to not pay attention to it much. For me, I make it a habit of cleaning this area every few days by doing the following:

1. Pour either vegetable oil or mineral oil on a cloth and wipe the area vigorously. It is also good to wipe down the surrounding cupboards or walls as splatters frequent those places as well! and can be difficult to remove if left for too long!

2. Once all debris is removed, take another clean, damp cloth and wipe down the area again.

3. Finish by drying and buffing to shine.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tip of the Day #332: Cleaning Window Blinds

Many of us swear when we got a home that we would never put up blinds because we all remember growing up having to help our mom clean them all the time--and it wasn't the easiest of jobs! Nonetheless, somehow they ended up everywhere in our house. Well, over the years, I have found some easy & unique ways to dust and clean blinds to keep me from going crazy.

1. Wrap a sock or cloth around a ruler to clean thin, narrow blinds easily. This is especially good for metal blinds that are fragile and easy to bend.

 2. To keep dust at a minimum, rub a fabric dryer sheet onto both sides of the blinds. This will not prevent dust but it will cut down on the amount of dust that clings to your blinds as well!

3. Slip socks onto both hands and rub between each blind - - this cleans both sides of the blinds quickly at the same time. You can also add cleaner to the mix to remove any debris--spray vinegar or a mild soap mix (can even be laundry detergent & water) onto the sock, then clean accordingly.

4. If blinds have been neglected and are very dirty, lay an old sheet or cloth under the blinds before cleaning. You do not want to transfer the dust and dirt from the blinds onto the floor - - then you have to clean the same dirt twice.

5. When you are vacuuming your floors, use the brush attachment to clean blinds. This is great for removing dust from hard to reach blinds in tall windows.

6. If your blinds are really dirty, use a paintbrush to clean them. You can dip the paintbrush into soapy water, oil soap or plain water for extra cleaning power. Make sure to use a dry cloth to remove excess cleaner and clean the brush often to prevent transferring dirt.

Hope that helps all of you as much as these tips have helped me! :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tired of scraping your car windows in the winter???

Fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water and spray on your car windows at night. In the morning, they should be clear of any icy mess! Hooray for clean windows and getting to work on time :)