Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tip of the Day # 165: Preserve Fresh Herbs

Have a few fresh herbs sitting around that you won't get to using before they turn? Sure, you canfreeze them in water or dry them out, but if you know you'll use them relatively quickly, you can add a few weeks to their life without damaging their potency by freezing them in oil instead.
Drop your herbs in an ice cube tray, filling up the cubes with olive oil (or any other oil of your choice, as long as it freezes nicely), and popping them in the freezer. When you're ready to fry some potatoes, for example, pop out a couple of rosemary oil cubes—you'll need the oil for the pan anyway, and the rosemary will be right at home. Need some oil in a baking dish or crock pot for a few chicken breasts? Grab a frozen sage oil cube. The sky's the limit!

Tip of the Day # 164: Independence for Childrem

Aid in teaching your children independence at a young age! A great idea is to invest in a hanging clothes organizer for your child's room---then label each pocket with the days of the week (this can be done with construction paper or sticky labels for example).Help your child pick an outfit for each day. When morning arrives, they are able to dress themselves by going to the day of the week!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tip of the Day # 163: Stain Remedies

Dealing with stains?

Most stains can easily be removed with hydrogen peroxide! This includes blood and underarm stains as well. Leave on for about 10 minutes, scrub and wash as normal.

For human oil marks on collared shirts, using a normal shampoo works great!

For grease, cooking oil and butter stains, there are two methods that work well--one being Blue Dawn dish soap and the other is baking soda. With the baking soda, sprinkle over will begin to see it 'ball' as it absorbs the grease. Repeat as necessary until no more 'balling' occurs. Wash as normal. THIS EVEN WORKS AFTER YOUR GARMENTS HAVE BEEN WASHED AND DRIED!

Tip of the Day # 162: Easy Grease Clean-Up

When dealing with leftover grease after cooking, line a bowl with aluminum foil and pour grease in. Once dry, just pitch it! Such easy clean up!

Tip of the Day # 161: Flea Remedies

Dealing with fleas on your pets?

Don't waste your money on expensive shampoos and treatments! All you need to do is wash your pet in Blue Dawn dish soap as normal.
For your home, simply sprinkle small piles of Borax in discreet places around your house--ie. in corners of the room, under beds and couches, etc.

Tip of the Day # 160: Permanent Marker Removal

How to Remove Permanent Marker from Various Surfaces

This definitely comes in handy at my house where my kids always seem to find my Sharpies no matter where I hide them! It has saved my couch cushions, dining room chairs, floor and various articles of clothing! Haha

Clothes –hand sanitizer
Walls –toothpaste or hairspray
Carpet  –white vinegar
Wood   –rubbing alcohol

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tip of the Day # 159: Purse Organization

Organizing Your Purse

1. First clean out clutter. Such as Gum Wrappers, old receipts, candy, etc. Its best to clean out all of the junk before it either makes a purse smell horrible, or drives you bonkers sifting threw your junk like sand at the beach. A good habit to get into is never storing food items in your purse! From having kids, I know first-hand how easily cookie or candy packages can bust open--creating a scavenger hunt for you...except not in a fun way!

2. Invest in a wallet made with so many pockets you don't know what to do with. Chances are you'll find something to do with them. In your wallet have any paper items, pictures, money, loose change. It's hard to imagine a purse without the jingling change that sounds like reindeer on Christmas but you'll learn to live with out it. For this, make it a habit to put cards and change in their proper place RIGHT AWAY when given them back. Ive definitely had a few panic attacks in line at a store searching for my debit card!

3. Get some makeup bags. You know those tiny little make-up bags that's used for eye pencils? Yes, invest in one of those. Put all your little misfit items in it such as hand sanitizer, lip stick, deodorant, tampons, etc.

4. Think about buying a new purse that has some pockets for, say your cell phone. Plus who doesn't deserve a new purse every once in a while. It will also encourage you to empty your old change and empty the junk.

5. Take a few moments out of everyday to look in your purse and un-clutter a little--remove all items that should not be in there and put away immediately!