Monday, March 4, 2013

Tip of the Day #243: Dealing with Pet Hair

There are a few methods that I have found to be very effective in removing pet hair from furniture:

1. Put on a rubber glove. Rub the surface with it on. The pet hair should stick to your glove. Dampen the glove or rubber section of the glove for increased effectiveness.

2. You can use sellotape (packing tape) to peel off some fur. Just wrap some around your hand with the sticky, adhesive part sticking out and tap it on the fur-covered areas.

3. For areas that are not completely covered in fur, using a lint roller also works!

For your FLOORS, I highly recommend investing in a microfiber mop! A normal broom or vacuum tends to blow pet hair around, whereas the microfiber picks up every single piece--a true miracle worker! :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tip of the Day #242: Removing Marks & 'Gunk' from Kitchen Cabinets

This recipe is one of the most useful mixtures in my house--mainly because my kitchen cabinets are white. Although I LOVE the look of white, they are not very practical :( I feel like I am constantly cleaning them!

You probably also notice how greasy and dirty your cupboards can get from daily use, regardless of their colour--especially close to the handles, mainly from sauces or food that may be on our hands, or even just the oils from our skin!

Use the following recipe and you are guaranteed to remove all unnecessary debris within a single wipe--its like MAGIC!

2 parts baking soda
1 part oil (the best is vegetable oil)

Mix together and apply with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Hope this helps many of you! :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tip of the Day #241: Cleaning Ceramic Stovetops

Cleaning your stove does not have to be a difficult task. It can be as simple as baking soda and water!
Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the surface, then take a damp (NOT WET) scrubber or cloth and rub the powder in circular motions. Once all has been worked in, wipe clean with a soft cloth or you may choose to shine with a bit of glass cleaner.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Tip of the Day #240: Organizing Cleaning Essentials

I used to cringe at how unorganized and messy my mops and brooms would be when I either a)stuffed them in a closet out of the way or b)leaned them against the wall.
I researched ideas of how to take care of this dilemma and came up with the idea of using 'S Hooks' or even shower rings on a rod to hand each handle. Now my closet is so neat and organized--I'm in LOVE! ;)

Tip of the Day #239: Removing Scratches from Plates

The BEST product to use to remove plate scratches is 'Barkeeper's Friend' (can be found in your local hardware store.) Since it is somewhat abrasive, I suggest doing a test on the back of a plate first. To do the test patch, simply add a small amount of Barkeeper's Friend to a damp sponge and gently rub a small patch on the back of one plate. 

Once it has been determined that the cleaner and sponge will not scratch the plates, apply a small amount of cleaner to a damp sponge and gently rub the utensil marks off of the plates. One application might not be enough to remove dark marks, but be patient and try rubbing them off a few times.

IF the test resulted in your plate being scratched, (usually happens with delicate china) use another product called, 'Bon Ami' with the same instructions.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tip of the Day #238: Leftover Pasta

It is known that most of us have a difficult time gauging how much pasta to cook for a meal. I know myself that I am always left with enough to feed the entire neighbourhood! Instead of pitching it because the pasta generally doesnt 'keep' too well in the fridge afterwards, try this:
After your pasta has finished cooking and it’s time to drain it, don’t pour the water down the drain. Drain it into a large bowl and let it cool while you are eating.  When you have leftovers, put the leftovers back in the water.  Make sure the pasta is completely submerged. Cover the bowl and put it in the fridge. This will give you at least another week to finish the leftovers!

QUICK TIP: Lunchbox Love for School-Aged Children

Make your little ones feel special by creating some 'Lunchbox Love' for their lunches! Use colourful and cheery cardstock or scrapbook to produce little notes they can read while at school :)